วันเสาร์ที่ 17 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Teachers reported for helping students cheat uniform tests

Some people always cheating, even on the test they still want to get the highest score by take other people hands. Teachers are one of student target because they know a lot of tips and tricks. Finally some of the teachers were control by thier lovely students. The reason that I choose this article because I feel disappointed to this behavior. I strongly disagree with people who are cheat in education because deep through our mind we know what we had done and it stucks on our mind forever.

There are many teachers in North Chungcheong Province of Korea that try to cheat the test answers for their students. Students can achieve higher scores by ask their teachers. There are more than 30 cases of cheating during the pre-test for two days. Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union said that regional brunch have recieved more that 30 cases of cheating that provide from teachers and some of students had give as clues. Some of the accusations lacked grounds, while more than 10 caese were distrust. According to their report, The auditor teachers give a signal for answer to their students. They will be able to write on student's answer sheet if the answer are incorrect. North Chungcheong Province has the worstest student's test results in Korea. School's headmaster have been called into superintendants officer and blame them as a poor caution. The KTU claims that teachers skipped the topic and concern more on the test paper.The students have get their punnishment to come to school early and leave late for special training

In my opinion, These cases should not happen in school because we should have our target in life and we should face with the right things. If every students got their answer before the exam ,so what is the point to sit in the exam.. for more information

